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Jan 10, 2019

This episode is brought to you by Canyon Voyages in Moab, Utah and all my other fabulous supporters on Patreon!

Today I sit down to chat with my good friend and fellow 8, Holli Laffer. Holli shares about her growth through the Enneagram, engaging with her own religious trauma, and learning how to soften around her experience. 

Here's more about Holli:

Holli grew up in Mobile Alabama. She’s moved around the USA but now calls Nashville home. Currently, she is studying the narrative tradition with the Enneagram and training to become a Yoga instructor.  Holli loves grappling with the numerous ways in which the mind and body are interconnected. She has a profound desire to better understand the ways in which trauma affects our lives and how confronting our deepest truths can unlock the person we were meant to be. When she’s not studying the enneagram or yoga she loves hiking the Greenways of Nashville with her dog Fancy and her husband Justin. Oh, and she’s very very much an 8. 

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