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Sep 27, 2018

Today we talk about the basics of type 4. We cover the habit of attention, habit of emotion, as well as the arrows or resource points for this type.

Stay tuned for next week's episode where I sit down with bonafide Enneagram 4 Erin Inman. 

If you're wanting to sign up for any of my workshops coming up click here:

Sep 20, 2018

Today I sit down with my good friend Brandon Hill to talk about his journey with faith, identity, and being an Enneagram 5. 

Brandon Hill... storyteller, photographer. Grew up evangelical, son of a pastor. Learning about my Enneagram type led to deconstruction - and then rebuilding - of my faith. Working on...

Sep 13, 2018

Here's the first episode in our new and (hopefully!) improved format! 

This is a mini teaching episode exploring Type 5 in preparation for our interview with Brandon Hill aka @HowdyBrandon that will drop next week. 

We dive into the 5's Habit of Attention, Habit of Emotion, and Somatic Energy as well as how those can be...

Sep 6, 2018

In this week’s episode, I have the extreme honor of sitting down with singer songwriter and Kansas native, Jennifer Knapp. We talk about her coming out process and the choice to return to the public eye after years “underground.” We also talk about her adventures in self-discovery and how the Enneagram can...